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  • 13th September 2024
    We are at NeuroBioUK in York, where Karina Piotrowska has received a price for the best poster by a pre-PhD. Congrats!
  • 5th September 2024
    Sophie Waldron gave an excellent talk at Neurofly 2024 in Birmingham. James Evans and Karina Piotrowska also presented posters.
  • 15th July 2024
    Welcome back to Karina Piotrowska who is starting her third (!) summer internship in the lab. This time, funded by the Durham Biophysical Sciences Institute. Karina will then stay in the lab this fall for her Masters project.
  • 10th June 2024
    Congratulations to James Evans (best talk), Sophie Waldron (2nd best talk) and Maya Cowans (2nd best poster) who have magnificently represented the lab at today’s Neuroscience North East conference!!
  • 28th May 2024
    Wuyue Zhang has started her Masters of Data Science (MDS) project in the lab. Welcome!
  • 24th May 2024
    Several members from the lab will be at Neurofly Meeting in Birmingham from 2-6 September 2024. Want to join us there? Early bird deadline is 16th June!
  • 24th May 2024
    Karina Piotrowska has received a Summer Research Bursary from Durham Biophysical Sciences Institute to undertake a research project in the lab for 8 weeks during July-August 2024. Congratulations!
  • 1st July 2020
    Official start date of the Croset lab. This website wasn’t created until 2024, though…